PWIC stores – also known as Predominately WIC stores – cater to WIC clients. Here are some of the advantages you will find at PWIC stores:
- PWIC stores stock and order specialty baby formula for WIC clients. Many specialty baby formulas are not stocked by traditional grocery stores as they are too specialized to have regular sales of these products. PWIC stores keep specialty baby formulas available in their stores for immediate pickup as well as individual formula orders for WIC clients so their babies can have the special nutritional support they need.
- Since many clinics are in more disadvantaged areas of town, PWIC stores offer groceries to WIC recipients in areas that are considered food deserts. Additionally, WIC clients often have transportation challenges. PWIC stores with bilingual clerks help WIC clients get the benefits they have been approved for because of their close proximity to the WIC clinics. WIC clients can get their benefits approved and get their approved groceries all in the same trip.